Frequently Asked Questions
What does Buddha mean?
Buddha simply means "enlightened one."
Who was the Buddha?
The Buddha was born Siddhartha Gautama approximately 500 BCE. Giving up his rightful place as ruler, he chose the life of a spiritual leader. He sought to discover the reasons for human suffering. He shared these insights and knowledge with others in teachings (dharma) until his death. People worldwide have found value in these teachings for the past 2,500 years.
What happens if I miss a class?
Each talk in a series is a "stand alone" class, so if you miss one there is no harm or "catching up" that needs to be done. However, each class works together for maximum understanding, so attendance for all is recommended. If you are running late, or need to leave early, it is completely fine. Just please slip in (or sit) in the back for minimal disruption.
Can I be a Christian, Muslim, atheist, etc., and practice meditation?
Science has proven Insight Meditation can be helpful to anyone. Benefits can include: lower stress, reduced anxiety and depression, inner peace, self-love and compassion, reduced pain levels, etc. One does not have to be a Buddhist to practice meditation and explore the benefits of loving-kindness toward oneself and others.
What does Vipassana mean?
Vipassana means "insight". Vipassana meditation is cultivated so that we can understand our own mind and heart. Through such understanding we bring peace and equanimity to our lives, and as an extension, to others.